Uterine position
The uterus position in the pelvis can vary based on a number of known factors, mainly the degree of distention of the bladder and rectum. The most common position of the uterus is anteverted and anteflexed where the fundus (top of the uterus) is pointing towards the abdomenal wall. As the bladder fills, the uterus tilts upward because of the bladder below it lifting it up. The described uterine locations include:Anteverted/anteflexed: cervix angles forwards and the uterus is pointing forward towards the abdominal wall (most common position).Retroverted: uterus is tipped backwards pointing towards the spine. Hyperanteflexion: the uterus is tipped too far forwards.Absent: The uterus is not present; usually due to surgery (hysterectomy) or rarely congenital malformation (agenesis).
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