Uterine fibroid
Uterine fibroids are also known as uterine leiomyomas. They are benign smooth muscle(myometrial origin) tumours of the uterus. They are the most common solid benign uterine neoplasm. Rarely do fibroids turn into a malignant tumour.Fibroids are commonly found incidentally on examinations for other reasons, occur during childbearing years. The size of fibroids can range from millimeters to large bulky masses. In some cases, they can grow large enough to extend up into the upper abdominal cavity.There are different types of fibroids depending on whether the location is in or on the uterus. The different types are:- Intramural: most common type. They are located within the muscular wall of the uterus- Subserosal: these are formed outside the uterus- Pedunculated: a subserosal fibroid that has a stem that supports the fibroid- Submucosal: least common. These develop in the middle muscle layer (myometrium)
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