Mullerian duct anomaly
Mullerian duct anomalies are a type of female genital malformation resulting from abnormal development of the mullerian ducts during the embryonic development. The mullerian ducts develop to form the fallopian tubes, uterus,cervix, and the upper two-thirds of the vagina, Degree of symptoms can vary depending on the defect.There are six classifications:- Class I: Mullerian agenesis (absent uterus).- Class II: unicornuate uterus - only one side forms and appears “banana shape” on images.- Class III: uterus didelphys(double uterus) - both Mullerian ducts form but fail to fuse, this results in a “double uterus”. It is also possible to have a cervix and partial double vagina.- Class IV: Bicornuate uterus (uterus with two horns) - this occurs when the upper part of the uterus fails to fuse. It creates a heart shaped uterus.- Class V: Septate uterus (uterine septum or partition) - in this case the mullerian ducts have fused, but the partition between them is still present, splitting the system in two parts. This is the most common malformation.- Class VI: Acurate Uterus - a mild indentation of the endometrium at the uterine fundus (some may not consider this an anomaly as there is no definitive depth to define this classification).- Class VII: DES uterus - the uterine cavity has a “T-shape” as the result of fetal exposure to a estrogen drug that is no longer used, diethylstilbestrol.
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