The current reactive healthcare system fuels your health fears — Here’s how to overcome it

March 4, 2025

Knowledge is power—especially when it comes to your health. 

But so often, people avoid checkups and other health screenings—such as a whole body MRI—due to the fear that they’ll discover something “bad,” like an underlying disease or condition they didn’t know they had. Those fears can become even stronger if you have witnessed someone close struggle with a late-stage diagnosis, or experienced a traumatic medical event yourself.

Ironically, falling into this trap can ultimately result in a bigger problem down the road. Many diseases can be managed more effectively and treated less aggressively when detected early. This stands in stark contrast to our current healthcare system’s reactive approach, diagnosing diseases like cancer at later stages when they are more challenging to treat. 

Case in point: People diagnosed earlier with cancer are not only more likely to survive but also have better experiences of care, lower treatment morbidity, and improved quality of life. This is an empowering fact that should bring down anxiety levels, not spike them.

At Prenuvo, we take a proactive approach to health with a focus on early detection, which has been shown to lead to better health outcomes. Our whole body MRI screens for hundreds of conditions. It’s completely painless, non-invasive, and gives you the health insights you need for your future self. 

But, if you’re still feeling apprehensive about scheduling your scan, this should ease those concerns:

Reframe Your Thinking to Take Back Control

For every fearful thought that arises, there’s an important question to ask yourself: “What if knowing could save my life?” Because the truth is, not knowing what’s going on inside your body won’t make a health issue go away. It will only allow a condition to go undetected for longer, which could make it harder to deal with when symptoms eventually arise. 

This simple, yet powerful reframe is called cognitive restructuring. In other words, a way to challenge your negative or fearful thoughts and replace them with more rational ones. In fact, a study published in the journal Emotions found that cognitive restructuring really does work. 

We track our workouts, what we eat, and how we sleep. We take supplements, avoid ultra processed foods, the list goes on. These are all proactive lifestyle choices that we know may improve our odds of good health in the future. Why not apply the same logic when it comes to getting screened? These Prenuvo patients did…

The Real-Life Stories of Proactive Health Success

“The best part was the relief I felt after I got the report,” says Constance, who after watching her mother battle various cancers and eventually pass away, had spent her own life in fear of her genetic history. So when Constance received her Prenuvo results, she felt immense relief knowing that she is cancer-free.

“It was a big relief. And we’ll definitely be going back,” says Brian, a firefighter who underwent a Prenuvo scan in fear of the potential health effects that years of working alongside hazardous materials could have had on his health. He and his wife both booked scans and could breathe easily afterwards knowing that his years of fighting fires and her family history of stomach and ovarian cancer hadn’t provoked conditions like cancer in their own bodies. 

Other Prenuvo patients are grateful to have been given informational findings of conditions they can keep tabs on, like Liz, a former water polo athlete who turned to Prenuvo for a more detailed look at the toll that 15 years of training and competing in her sport had on her body. “I overcame my nervousness and feeling of not wanting to know about the state of my health,” she says. The results were not what she had built them up to be in her mind, and she was able to take her health insights to her doctor, who has helped her come up with a plan to stay on top of her mild musculoskeletal issues sustained from past injuries. 

And for some who did receive life-saving news, Prenuvo was able to pave the way for more effective treatments at early stages. “A Prenuvo whole body scan improved my chances of a cure from about 20 to 90 percent,” says Vladek, a Southern Californian resident and longtime runner who at the peak of his training, was diagnosed with double-hit Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma after undergoing a Prenuvo scan. He’s currently in remission and credits Prenuvo for catching his condition while it was easier to treat. 

Prenuvo offers valuable information about your body – like whether you have dense breast tissue and would be a good candidate for a breast ultrasound in addition to a yearly mammogram. Or, if you have a slightly enlarged prostate and would benefit from more frequent urological check-ups or additional screening tests.

It may educate you on the benefits of improving your posture to avoid further aggravating discs in your back, which could lead to chronic pain down the line. 

Or, it may catch conditions like cancer, in early stages –  even before symptoms appear. 

While a reactive healthcare system can contribute to health anxiety, a proactive approach puts the power back in your hands. 

And, if you’re still worried about getting your results, the data shows the odds are in your favor: 1 in 20 Prenuvo scans deliver life-saving results, that means 95 percent of scans are not so scary at all.

Schedule your Prenuvo scan today and get the peace of mind you’ve been looking for. 

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or health concerns.

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